192 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game
Pages:   «««107108109110111112113114115»»»   (156 in total)
# Rank Flag Player Name Played Won Lost Win% H Rating Tourney Score Monthly Score Team Score Last Played Eliminated ScorePoints
3301 Private Turkey kelebucks 40 7 33 18% 25% 0 0 0 25 Jun 2015 9 8270
3302 Private Canada ActionRaccoon 50 5 45 10% 25% 665 0 1016 20 Apr 2019 16 7820
3303 Private United States Bri dog 23 5 18 22% 25% 0 980 0 03 Jan 2024 1 9000
3304 Private United States R1a 16 4 12 25% 25% 0 0 977 29 Mar 2018 3 9820
3305 Private United States Pity the Fool 20 2 18 10% 25% 742 0 999 21 Mar 2012 5 8210
3306 Private Australia GenghisKhanage 20 2 18 10% 25% 0 0 0 24 Sep 2014 7 8580
3307 Private United States MrFrankCostello 14 2 12 14% 25% 0 0 987 07 Oct 2014 4 9500
3308 Private Canada brianmac 11 2 9 18% 25% 0 0 0 10 Jun 2012 3 9090
3309 Private United States CosmicDeathRay 13 1 12 8% 25% 729 0 1075 07 Oct 2021 5 9570
3310 Private United States Bleda the Hun 84 15 69 18% 25% 662 0 1046 21 Jun 2012 15 7520
3311 Private United States ajs49 27 3 24 11% 25% 0 0 1023 09 Apr 2010 12 8500
3312 Private Canada chicaboum 23 5 18 22% 25% 0 0 980 11 Jan 2010 3 8290
3313 Private South Africa andrewessels 29 2 27 7% 25% 980 0 0 29 Apr 2014 11 8510
3314 Private Mexico nunez77 46 4 42 9% 25% 0 0 0 25 Apr 2011 11 8880
3315 Private France adrienman 17 2 15 12% 25% 0 0 0 27 May 2010 2 9420
3316 Private United Kingdom MattyD 11 2 9 18% 25% 0 0 0 28 Jan 2013 3 9240
3317 Private United States Yacoubean 37 4 33 11% 25% 935 0 0 24 Jan 2013 15 7820
3318 Private United States ncbiker 12 3 9 25% 25% 0 0 0 31 Aug 2017 2 9570
3319 Private United States Tsteenson 13 1 12 8% 25% 0 0 0 08 Jun 2015 2 9610
3320 Private Netherlands sirExtol 59 5 54 8% 25% 944 0 944 18 Jun 2010 19 7480
3321 Private United States bocaj 24 6 18 25% 25% 0 0 0 09 Sep 2014 5 8920
3322 Private United States Batman 60 15 45 25% 25% 1127 0 0 08 May 2014 15 7880
3323 Private Australia StiffChocolate 15 3 12 20% 25% 0 0 0 14 Nov 2017 4 9610
3324 Private United Kingdom top banana 22 4 18 18% 25% 0 0 0 10 Jun 2013 10 9250
3325 Private United States MrHat 15 3 12 20% 25% 0 0 965 13 Mar 2012 3 8850
3326 Private United States Nintz 11 2 9 18% 25% 0 0 966 05 Jul 2012 3 9330
3327 Private Australia DownUnder 20 2 18 10% 25% 0 0 0 18 May 2010 6 9520
3328 Private United Kingdom cundallman 72 18 54 25% 25% 829 0 890 16 May 2013 16 9460
3329 Private United States bc2327 74 8 66 11% 25% 736 0 0 10 Jun 2015 28 6620
3330 Private United States donut 12 3 9 25% 25% 0 0 975 15 Feb 2019 3 9670